Big in Japan- The 44th Tokyo Motor Show 2015

Girl and a car during Tokyo Motor Show
Fast cars, Japanese girls, best engines… That must be Tokyo!

It’s easy when you’re big in Japan…  Do you wonder what I was doing there? Well,  Japanese automotive industry is one of the largest industries in the world ( to be precise,  the world’s 3rd largest automobile manufacturer and exporter).  It’s known from production of  cars, motorcycles, ATVs and construction vehicles. So, I guess, it’s the right place for me to visit.  From October 29  till November 8 at Tokyo Big Sight I had opportunity to participate in amazing event.

This is an exhibition of cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles. What is more, it’s one of the five biggest events of this type in the world! Other four are held in Detroit, Geneva, Frankfurt and Paris. Since it happens every 2 years I decided to visit Japan and it was definitely worth it! It was hosted by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) , which brings together people from all over the world. As I expected vehicles looked like taken from The Fast and the Furious. It’s so… Japanese! The show is known for its high concentration of concept vehicles over traditional production models.  I’m sure all car enthusiasts will be excited to take part in this Tokyo Show.

My free time in Tokyo

View on the Tokyo river
Tokyo has it unique atmosphere, doesn’t it?

Of course I had also some time to see the city before my flight back. I saw Tokyo’s most famous Shinto shrine and walked around  Yoyogi Park and Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. For me it was also really interesting to see sumo fight. It’s impressive, I must admit.  I saw Shibuya Crossing full of people and had fun in Roppongi Hills complex. Of course I had to try ramen soup and sushi. Although I’m not a big fan of tofu ( for me it’s tasteless) I was surprised how well- prepared and tasty it actually was. It’s totally different culture, people are very hardworking and extremely nice. And almost two times smaller than me. Which was really funny for example in the bus, where I saw all the tops of their heads 🙂